
Welcome to our homepage! This is Hae-kook Lee.

  • First of all, I would like to express my uttermost appreciation and sincere respect to all of our directors and our dear Korean Society of Addiction Psychiatry (KAAP) members for their commitment to the growth of the KAAP, and their dedicated effort to prevent and manage addiction problems through the clinical practice and the community service.
  • Addiction is not only confined to a mere mental illness. Rather, it is more about a matter of human nature and the ultimate orientation of our life. I believe that we endure and invest our valuable time and passion faithfully even in difficult circumstances in this field because we have such reflections in our hearts.
  • We should ask ourselves - 'To which the brain of our children should response with joy?', 'How much does our society provide healthy recreational resources for its members?', and lastly 'Do we have the therapeutic potentials and capabilities to change the course of addictive pathology that originates from our nature to pursuit of pleasure? ‘ I believe that along our effort to answer such questions we will discover our identity.
  • I would like to commit myself to provide a venue of a forum for the KAAP to continue to fulfill both academic and social roles to answer these questions. Regular academic meetings and training courses, training of residents and students, continued education for specialists, and expert workshops will be continuously implemented.
    In addition, I would like to promote more public efforts to develop a common public interest in health, develop policies against various addictive problems, and form a consensus in our society.
  • Of course, to do that, we also need to make ourselves enjoyable and satisfied with our activities. As we are managing to get through and out of the current pandemic situation, more engagement and interactions will be followed.
  • Thank you.
    1. 15th President of Korean Society of Addiction Psychiatry,
    2. Hae-Kook Lee